[QUOTE="InfamousC"]so an ea dev called in just to make these claims? yeah ok..Pro_wrestler
I don't believe that article. Why would a developer risk losing PS3 customers by saying that to the public, even if it was true?TrueReligion_
No offense, but ea games isn't the best company for programing, for example they can't get need for speed carbon to run on windows vista cause there too lazy. The Sims 2 can't run at high frame rates on top of the line machines. (I was so disapointed when I got my Alienware and it was still choppy). Other developers say it's not too difficult to program for. silversurfergold
[QUOTE="dannyc9"] EA Developer: Xbox 360 will triumph over PS3 due to performance and support
An EA developer has called in to let us know that he believes the Xbox 360 will triumph over the PS3 due to its better performance and more rounded support. These claims come on the revelation that development of Army of Two on the Xbox 360 manages to yield a maximum of 60fps while the PS3 version struggles to reach 30fps currently. Army of Two is expected to hit retail shelves during November.
The only reason Army of Two isn't getting a decent framerate on the PS3 is the devs are being lazy and not using the PS3's different dardware, and letting its potential go untapped. The fools.Â
Yet this same logic fails to apply to developers who kneel in front of Sony. Lol, atleast its coming from a neutral source, not an exclusive developer to a brand. In my opinion, its more believeable than all that Insomniac and Factor 5 jibberish. I honestly don't care. Efficiency: X360 > PS3. Look at the visuals X360 is pumping out on DVD9, the 'inferior' format, the last gen format. 5X the code queue than standard DVDs and it still can't best a console with 2005 specs. IMO, power is not just specs, but resources+tools+specs+support will always be greater than something with just higher numbers.
"Buh bu wait, just wait 2009" "teh lazy devs" First I thought Ubi sucks, then Capcom, now its EA? Pretty soon, you PS3 fanboys won't have any games to play.
EDIT: Not saying X360 is more powerful, Its just more efficient, OBVIOUSLY.
Developers that re not devleoping only for PS3, always say 360 is far better, The Darkness devs said 360 has better GPU and ram, and indirectly through the delays of Colin for PS3 and the fact that both GTA and Assasins Creed have been shown ONLY on 360 so far, indicate the simple fact that all games run amazing and with miniimum effort on 360, then devleopers strive to make them run on PS3, they might succeed as with Oblivion that at least was comparable to 360, even though they did remove AA, and the colors were crap, OR they might not as with games like Splinter Cell 4, Enchanted Arms, Fear that look 100x worst on PS3
So, if anyone gets a PS3 for multiplatform games too, must know will probably get a worst than 360 version 99% of the time, and pray that the PS3 one will at least run and look as good
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