I said a month ago if Super Mario Galaxy got a worse score than Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction than I'd leave system wars forever. I think we all know now that Super Mario Galaxy just got a 9.5 from GameSpot.
Now I hope this isn't locked, I just want this thread to serve as my proclamation of winning my bet, to anyone who was planning on holding me accountable.
Now, we have the three real GOTY contenders
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) 9.5
World in Conflict (PC) 9.5
Halo 3 (Xbox 360) 9.5
Bioshock, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Ratchet & Clank can't count coz there is clearly three elite titles this year.
I'd think the PSP and DS should have nominees too, but I can only see Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass getting a nom.
Maybe Crisis Core if this was Japan but really what GOTY 2007 title does PSP have? If I'm missing it please tell me, I'm not trying to be rude.
There you have, Super Mario Galaxy I think officially eliminates COD 4, and Bioshock from GOTY running, just think had it gotten 8.5 one of those two would have slipped in.
And finally we have it settled, Super Mario is still better than Ratchet & Clank (even though I love them)
P.S.- BTW, thanks GameSpot for a good, well written review. I liked the fact that you were fair on the co-op or lack there of co-op mode. And not giving away the 120 star surprise was very nice. This is officially the Wii's holiday season.
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