Man, i can't tell if it's just because i've become old and jaded, or they don't write Videogame stories like they used to, but it's been too long since i've finished a game and thought ''Now that was a BRILLIANT story''. The obvious exceptions being the Bioshock games.Â
I still remember how i felt when playing Aries died for the first time, the tense standoff with Liquid on top of Metal Gear etc. But i've rarely felt that this gen. Maybe i'm just not picking up the right games. Maybe it's nostagla.Â
JRPG's this gen have been a disaster. I want compelling chracters, epic evil grand villians, epic set pieces...i've only played a handful of JRPG's this gen and they've all been pretty meh(Blue Dragon, FF 13, Lost Odessey).Â
Anyways, yeah, point of this thread. What games this gen will you always remeber partly because of their story?
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