Recently Europe finaly cracked, after years of poor treatment by all the big companies ever involved in gaming its has finaly decided to stand up for itself.
As we speak petitions are being signed to be sent of to the Eu equality commision, 10 Downing Street (Prime minister of the United Kingdom's residence), Trading standards and most of the large goverment bodies of Europe. So with lthe major gaming websites of the world recieving E-mails about the petition and people attempting to get newspapers to join in aswell , will Sony stand up and take notice after years of ignorance? Will it dent sales in Sony's largest market?
As a European myself (Northern Ireland resident) I have to say I'm glad we've finaly decided to stop taking such poor treatment, the catalyst for this shift in European opinion? Playstation Home.
Before I go into my list of things Europe Doesn't have that the US and Japan have, i'm going to post a link to the official Sony forums for the english speaking regions of Europe.
I will start with the catalyst behind it all, Playstation Home, a social network created in Cambridge in England, part of Europe. It's a service thats been out only a week yet the American version has far more content than its European conterpart for example.
Europe has no:
- Red bull island - Game spaces (No Uncharted or Far Cry for us) - Jukeboxes - Flying saucer game - Christmas tree or snow - Its has constant errors far more prevelant than the American service -It has a far small Home Square of completly inferior design.
Moving on I turn to games or as Europe calls them , Delays.
- A delay on Little Big Planet , a game made in England - Rock band 4 months later than x-box - 7 months for Pain from release on the American store - 3 months ago America got a high Velocity bowling update, Europe still awaits said update - Street fighter Turbo 2 delyaed on PS3 in Europe only (It will see a worldwide 360 release) - no Ecnohcrome trophies yet for Europe - the list could go on.
Next the Playstation Store
-Europe still awaits the ability to sign up for Quore
-Wheres the European video store , Nowhere thats where
- Has less themes, games and just about any possible form of content avilable in smaller quantaties than the other stores.
- Europe still hasn't got the PSN cards
Wheres the European blog, America has one, Japan has one , why doesn't Europe?
There are even swathes of Europe that can acces the Playstation network because Sony doesn't think there worth of playing online despite paying a higher price for the console, games and accesories over are Us and Japanese counterparts.
Is it some sort of lack of funding that SCEE gets? is it just bias? or lazyness?
I mean Nintendo and microsoft are little better, 7 months for Super Smash Bros Brawl, Eruope still hasn't got Chronos Tiger for the snes (Spelling) and XBL isnt avalable in sections of Europe.
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