[QUOTE="Acemaster27"][QUOTE="hotdaisy18"]And this effects us gamers how?Javy03
Typical cow response. When they're losing the war like they are now, they just pretend its not going on. That way they can't see a defeat. They can't see lost ground.
What's the shakspear quote they seem to be applying? "Ignorance is the greater part of losing" perhaps?
LOL...talk about grasping at staws, MS has cut jobs too as well as EA(http://kotaku.com/gaming/ea/more-on-ea's-layoffs-152469.php). are they gonna fail too?? Whats typical is fanboys reading so much into the normal buisness moves in the buisness world. Sony has a full generation of data to determine what works and what doesnt with their branches and where they can save money. All buisness do this, its only the SW fanboys who read reshuffle and assume, sinking ship. Of the thousands of jobs Sony provides you really believe a few hundred is a big deal.
I never said that this was a major setback for Sony, just that they are showing weakness. Will it have any major impact anywhere? Not really. However, it does show that Sony's game department is not completely protected by the success of the other departments. And it shows that all the money they have thrown down the drain on the PS3 and PSP is starting to catch up with them. Its a minor defeat. Its a sign of weakness that could foreshadow more defeat in the long run, or it could mean almost nothing. But it is definitely not good news for sony.
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