Whats so funny is that people say all of the great games coming to the 360 year after year and then go on to name multiplats. Has nothing to do with them blantanly disregarding those games come to the ps3 aswell has it lol? I mean your going to brag about great games coming to your console of choice I don't see the reasoning in putting mulitplats in that list thats all. Unless subconsciously to make the list longer hence that is whats so FUNNY :).
I mean heck, Bioshock, LBP, Socom, Motorstorm2, R2, Valkarie Chronicles, Far Cry2, Fall Out3, Boarder lands, Prototype, Madden 09, and whatever else comes to mind lol. But for my own benefit I'll just post LBP, Socom, R2, and KZ2 in Feb of next year. And that is what the ps3 will be bringing me.
And also I wouldn't hype psn games, maybe pass along in the ps3 forums about what is good or what isn't but definitly wouldn't hype them in sw forums AAA or not there just little games to pass the time and have fun. Heck from the screen shot I seen from Braid it looked alot like Donkey Kong/Mario World but that just might be me, I don't know.
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