Ok im hearing alot of talk from people who are new to the franchise and thinks that GTA4 is truly a good game. Ill admit, its a good quality game...BUT that doesnt always mean that its fun and addicting.
Here is the things that i hate about this game compared to other GTA games.
Story. The story was boring and not interesting. i hated the characters, roman was the only one i liked....See in San Andreas it was about finding out who killed cjs mom. The story has twists and turns that are intersting. I cared about the other characters, i liked them. And i like how San Andreas had all the GTA's connected. from seeing characters from vice city and how stuff was going to go down in GTA3. like it realy gets your interest.
Gangs. WHERE ARE THE GANGS?...This was a BIG thing in the GTA franchise. EVERY gta game had gangs spawning at its territory. when you start beef with 1 person you got all them chasin after ur butt. even the gangs were intersting. they all had a name, how they looked, what they drived, when 2 gangs accedently meet on the street, its a war! i would have some good times with SA. recruiting gang members, going into a car and doing drive bys on other gangs, police chasing you, ur gangs shooting back from the window...bottom line is, GTA is NOTHING with out gangs.
Gun Range. NO GUN RANGE. in SA when you go to the gun range or even shoot at people you improve you statiss for that gun. ex...pistol. when you master
it you get deul pistols. AK47, improves your sight, shoot while moving. also this game has MUCH more guns compared to GTA4.
License....no licenses to get in GTA4. in SA you had licenses for cars, boats, motorcycles, plains. and it was addicting trying to get gold for every thing becasue you unlock stuff when you do. ex...plain license. once got gold for everything you get this war helicopter.
Cheats. in other GTA games, cheats were FUN to use. i remember when i remerize it then i manage to input so fast. in GTA 4 you have to take out the cell phone, input the numbers. when your in a shootout with police and get shot while you inputing the code to get full life, niko puts the cell phone way. and the amount of cheats were crazy back then. cheats were fun when you just wanted to fool around, now, not so much...
k im going to make this short. SA has statises for almost everything that gets you addicted for mastering, from range on weapons, riding a motorcycle with a harder time of falling off, larger bunny hops on a bicycle!....who doesnt miss the BIKES in the game? bmx bikes, mountain bike. in SA you can swim under water. silencer on the pistol. stealth kill with a knife. amount of SIDE MISSIONS in SA were crazy! dieing easily in GTA4 is also not fun. taking over gang territories in SA was fun. COSTUMIZE! from costumizing your cars, costumizing your self!...working out, or getting fat in SA. Holding x just to run in gta4 was annoying. BUYING PROPERTIES, was another big thing in GTA series, it acually makes you want to go out and earn money, becasue in GTA4 the only thing you can do with money is buy weapons:?. garages for your CAR! not some yellow rectangle. playing basketball. learning fighting **** for god sakes! from kung fu to boxing to kick boxing. JETPACK!...the jetpack in SA was the BEST. THE ARMY! in true GTA games, once you get 6 stars the army comes after you with TANKS. also other gta games had off limit areas that once you go in, its war. and i can go forever on everything that SA has over GTA4.
See its all these unlockables, statistics in SA is the type of thing that gets you hooked in the game. IMO i think the multiplayer in GTA4 was one of the things that killed it. they could of added much more in the game. GTA 4 chose to go for realism and graphics over FUN. the driving in the game is terrible! its like driving on ice. Man i remember in vice city and san andreas, once i beat the game i was sad, once i beat GTA 4 i was like FINALY! the game just got boring. it was GTA4 that convinced me on buying a next gen system. i was going to settle with the ps2 but im like WOW that game is amazing. with all that hype, it turns out to be a total let down. how the game got rated 10 is beyond me. i would give it a 9 for its quality
I just want rockstar to make a TRUE gta game next time. that acually feels like gta
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