I like them, but I also like RPG's and age of mythology. This thread is for people to get their feeling out in the open about FPS's. Have they had the innovation sucked dry and spit out, room for improvement,
I have become so bored with FPS's, I can barely play them for more that an hour, I just get so deppressed by them. I thought Bioshock could save me but even that got boring eventually. In the end, I just want a really good story to sink my teeth into, I'm tired of blasting away hordes of creatures, I want to be wrapped up in an epic I wont soon forget.
Maybe Timesplitters 4 can bring me back into a shooting mood, as TS: Future Perfect was the last FPS I actually enjoyed all the way to the end.
But I'm being kept busy by my DS, and all the RPG and RTS games are where I truly find happiness.
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