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GOTY pretty much comes down to: FABLE 2 (IF IT LIVES UP TO mOLENUX PROMISES, UNLIKE THE FIRST) Resistence 2, Killzone 2, MGS 4, or GEOW 2. black_awpN1
I agree, but I would also add Fallout 3 and GTA IV to that list. Fable 2 has a really good chance, but considering how many people were disappointed with the first one (myself not included) I understand why it isn't the most talked about game of the year contender. I'm certainly excited for it.
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"]GOTY pretty much comes down to: FABLE 2 (IF IT LIVES UP TO mOLENUX PROMISES, UNLIKE THE FIRST) Resistence 2, Killzone 2, MGS 4, or GEOW 2. Big_Boss465
I agree, but I would also add Fallout 3 and GTA IV to that list. Fable 2 has a really good chance, but considering how many people were disappointed with the first one (myself not included) I understand why it isn't the most talked about game of the year contender. I'm certainly excited for it.
Im REALLY Excited for Fallout, I jsut forgot to put it on teh list. GTA 4 is kinda the obvious choice
[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]brawl already has that title in the bag.-R3Vo
Lol, no. A party game vs an epic game, yeah in the bag alright.
HAHAHA Brawl isn't a PARTY game, it can be used for PARTYS but its not a full party game like RRR 1 and 2 its a Fighting which is easy enough for anyone to pick up thus being good for partys. Also how do you Fable 2 is going to be EPIC, I mean look at Lair and Redsteel and how they flopped so for all you know Fable 2 could be epic or just an epic flop.
[QUOTE="Hawkeye1987"]If Fable 2 delivers everything it is supposed to, I think it could be game of the year material, what do you think?tenaka2
Sequals don't tend to win, besides Fable 2 isn't doing anything new. A pet dog does not = GOTY in my opinion.
Nothing new? You have no idea what you're talking about do you? Please read about the game before even THINKING of posting a comment like that.
Nothing new? You have no idea what you're talking about do you? Please read about the game before even THINKING of posting a comment like that. Hawkeye1987yeah, he should read all the lies
Even if it delivers on every and all of it's lofty promises (which it will not), it will never be as good as The Guild 2, which did almost all of what it claims to do :D...
For GOTY...who knows, I'm thinking Valkyrie Of The Battlefield, Spore, LBP, Tales Of Vesperia, or Baroque (wii) have the best chance to be truly pheonominal...
However, I feel as if Fallout 3 might win the critics over for GOTY.
it has a chance the only other games witch can beat it are spore litlebigplanet resistance2 mgs4 and killzone2
i know i didnt add gta4
I dont know what will be game of the year, nobody does, it's only speculation at this point.
Who knows, Fable 2 might blow, maybe MGS4's uncompressed sound in every language on earth wont be tantalizing to the critics ears, perhaps Fallout 3 will lose most of the charm the first 2 had, nobody knows.
Im playing it safe and only until I play a game worthy of GOTY, I wont be spouting GOTY nonsense.
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