You're the one that wanted to know what category I would put them in if they weren't labeled "RPGs". They are RPGs, as our industry is a bit too lenient with the definition of the RPG.
About the "better" game, it's down to opinion. I like Fable more, as I'm not a big fan of the MMO combat system (FFXI, FFXII), grid-based (Tactics, etc.), or the standard turn-based system (too many to name). Fable's combat system was more like the familiar 3D Zelda system, with lock-on, strafing, lock-on ranged, 1st person ranged, etc. and I'm a huge Zelda fan (although, don't get me started on Twilight Princess' shortcomings).
Alright, I see what you're saying. You would define rpg's differently from the industry's definition. Fair enough.
I just diagree with the argument that wrpg fans tend to put forth that jrpg's are not true rpg's, and therefore any jrpg is inferior to any wrpg. That's what I thought you were implying when you said that Fable is a better rpg than any Final Fantasy. That seems to raise Fable on a higher pedestal than FF on a purely definitional basis, which I think is unfair.
But I don't know if that's the argument you were trying to make, so correct me if I'm wrong.
Edit: wow, "c l a s s i f y" is a banned word on GS.
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