LOL Fable 3 is bad average at best... If you say more then that... well you have not played alot of games. Everything from combat flow, combat balance, UI, item handling, npc interaction, quests, story, world, graphics (and some more but well one could continue all day) is from average down to horrible (DESTROY ALL COPIES). "Generally what happens when there's any information about Fable or about Peter Molyneux, you get a complete black and white - pardon the pun - split of forum replies. Half of the people, whatever it's about - if Peter has made the most sensible comment about games development ever - just spout obscenities and terrible, ridiculous things," West said
Sorry but you over hype your own game... Most of the time its the community that hype a game... However whenever Peter say anything you can remove 90% of that. You should start by releasing true information about your grand dreams of a game. But it's the people who criticize the story that really bug him. "People saying the story wasn't very good was unfair. It's an interesting situation of you gather people together and then defeating the main bad guy. It's a pretty good story and it's pretty fun," he said.
A classic "No my child would never do anything like that" Just like this game is their "child" ofc they are going to see it in the best light. No the story is not very good. It do not make alot of sense. First you have one main enemy... Then he is like "lol i did it to save everyone... What? I could have told people about the darkness that will come and consume the world... Noooooo who care about telling people". Then you have the darkness itself and that fight lasted well... not a very long time... so little time that i was like "what? that was it?" Part of the problem may be that gamers don't know what they are playing. "It's a frustrating situation to be in because we make good games, but people expect something that no one else is doing," said West. "We're making a co-operative role-playing game - there aren't any co-operative role-playing games out there, we're the only one."
I remember hearing that before... Oh yes other failed / average games that are meant to be good (hint DA2 as a example). Congrats... To bad the Co-op is so bad that you should not even make it in the first place. If you cant make the single player experience good... Dont meddle in multiplayer... Even more when you make it work like it do in the fable games. Also you are making a adventure game with bad co-op. The game is not good... Its like the dev team was sitting there on a meeting and picking ALL the bad ideas they could think off and then put them into the game. The difference in tone is also something West doesn't think people understood. "[Fable III is] a different type of game: it's more of a fun, comedic TV show than a serious Lord of the Rings film. I think a lot of people that play it think it's a Lord of the Rings - and it isn't.
Well for the love of god make it fun then... I did not laugh a single time in the entire game... I did not even break a smile. Oh also... I remember "We want to make the game into the best rpg ever" or something like that. The vocal talents are something that he wishes got more credit instead of some random FPS. "I'm slightly disappointed we haven't won any audio awards to be honest, because our music's great, our vocal talent's great - and then you'll see a standard shooter get an audio award. I just think that's because they're more popular than us."
Sadly... Nothing stood out when i was playing the game. I did not find any of the music catchy... Sure SOME of the voice acting was okey... But they were quiet far between. But no award winning. To do that you need something catchy, something that fit with the game theme and something people will remember and say "That music track is awesome". So how did it work adapting the game to the PC controls? "We didn't want to make it feel like a port. The main thing was to completely redo the control system. It's a modal system now where you switch between modes and the mouse buttons do different things," he said. "The second big change is the engine, with the high resolution and the 3D as well. Fable and Albion have never looked better for anyone on any machine. The Xbox guys got it first, but the PC guys are going to have a much better version.
Congrats... but you promised gold and gave random stones that you picked up from the ground outside. You did not even bother to fix the bugs that have been around since Fable 2. Let alone loading times, the horrible ui... the horrible 3D ****ing UI (who fell and hurt their head for this idea?). "This is definitely the best Fable PC - it's much better than Fable 1," West said.
Sadly... None of the fable games are super special. That said i had more fable 1 then Fable 2 and 3 Fable 1 also had lots of potential that got wasted sadly. Even if that is your opinion... Well... Being better then another game when both are in average of below... Well its not something to cheer over.
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