Greetings.... For those of you unaware, Bethesda is releasing a pretty nice update to fallout 4 that will modernize the game performance, contain fixes and add content... For free.
I want to being this up because we live in a remake world where lesser companies would've tried cashing in on the TV shows success with a cash grab at a remaster/remake. To update the game to modern platforms and giving away content for nothing is something that we as gamers should take off our system wars hats and praise because it is a pro gamer move.... Bethesda likely knew there would be increased interest in the franchise with the Amazon show being in the chute. They didn't reach for your wallet the way lesser companies would... They are giving it to us for free.
As an independent minded gamer who roots for positive trends in our hobby I applaud this move. Especially in the face of lesser developers tactics to cash in whenever possible.
Now, in a world where I truly do not believe we need to remake video games, there are a few that would benefit.... The original Fallout being one of them. Those games are dated as eff and if they were remade in today's pallet of gameplay it would be a worthy project.... Gameplay has advanced faaaar beyond those games so again... Worthy project.
What do you think system wars...? Does Bethesda giving away free content and modern upgrades make smile? Do you think they should've charged for this content the way lesser companies do? Lastly.... Are you jumping back in for newly improved fallout 4?
What is a lesser company? 😜
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