Dragon Age Inquisition was great to me, but it definitely took a long time to adjust to the combat and how their "tactical map" or whatever they called it was. The system they had in the first game was perfect imo, so this strategic map they gave us in the third installment just felt... clunky. It was hard to maneuver easily around and see what's happening. The combat itself was definitely, "click! click! click!" type stuff. I didn't enjoy the characters as much this time nor the story, but I definitely didn't feel like they were terrible. The dragon fights were awful though, it was kind of fun the first time or so, but then they just became 30 minute extravaganzas "bullet-sponge" bosses that constantly used armor, armor, armor, prolonging the fight ten-fold. The War Table missions are also kind of annoying, I didn't like having those kind of things in Assassin's Creed and I especially don't like them in my BioWare games. Overall, it was a bit disappointing, but I definitely didn't hate it or consider it a terrible RPG. I have bad tastes and all, but I enjoyed it as well as Fallout 4; which was also disappointing, but also quite enjoyable. Funny enough I still need to finish the last mission in Inquisition and the last few quests in Fallout 4. I definitely don't like how the endings are structured in Fallout, feels really limited in options compared to New Vegas, but then again Bethesda is the one making it not Obsidian.
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