When I first loaded up this game, the first thought that came to me was: WOW. This game looks amazing. With a 8800gts 512mb card, I was running the game on Very High @ 1680x1050. It was really amazing how much optimization went into this game. Sure, it was no crysis, but the scorching deserts and lush forests of the African landscape were still quite breathtaking.
The story started off very edgey, and quickly pulled me in. The initial gunplay, while not amazing, was still quite enjoyable. As I progressed, the neat features of a GTA-esque FPS really intrigued me. Unlocking new hideouts, getting new weaponry all began to make the game very enjoyable.
However, 4-5 hours into the game my enjoyment with the game got shot, just as fast as it had started. Everything that was fun about the game gets hampered by: (a) Random checkpoints, with random people attacking you for NO reason (b) Random people that start chasing you while you are driving... (c) which all adds up to... 15-20 minutes of getting to a mission... only to spend 5 minutes actually doing the mission itself.
I'm left with a largely repetitive experience, that has me almost forcing myself to finish. Which is disappointing, as this game really set itself up to be amazing.
Has anyone else felt this way about this game? Are you able to complete more then one mission at this point, without dreading the next 15-20 minute leadup to the next 5-minute mission?
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