Marcus Fenix: (After chainsaw bayonetting a Locust) "I could do that all day..." Mario Mario: "It's a me - Mario!" Roy Campbell: "Snake? SNAAAAAAAAAAKE!!" Garcian Smith: "I'm a cleaner" Dr. Salvador: "Graaahhhh!"
Duke Nukem: "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of gum." DDR Announcer (5th Mix): "I can see a dream in your dance. I can see tomorrow in your dance! We'll call it 'Our hope'." Baddies in Red Steel (while shooting at you during their plan to assassinate the leader of the Sato Gumi): "MURDERER!"
Squall (FFVIII) - "...........whatever." Ultimecia (FFVIII) - "All existence denied." (Gets me pumped for the final battle) Moogle (FF series) - "Kupo!" Cortez (Timesplitters: Future Perfect) - "It's time to SPLIT!" Zelos (Tales of Symphonia) - "Ha, Ha, that was so cool!" & "This is gonna be caaaaaaaaake." Felix (Golden Sun: TLA) - "Why?" (Only line in the entire game!) Rahman Nikbaht (Chromehounds) - all happens so quickly...freakin' hover ACV "I've encountered enem-" "TAKING HEA-" "I'm too damaged to go on!" *Mission Failed screen appears* Baird (GeOW) - "Come down, there's room for one more. It's a f***ing party down here!"
Enemies in Far Cry while skirmishing with you: I'm gonna shoot you in the face!topcatyo
lol. I love it when they start firing at you and yell "Suck it down!". I hope Crysis's enemies have funny things to say to. Sucks that their Koreans so I won't be able to understand them anyway.
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