What's your favorite and most preferred kind of horror in horror games?
For me, I hate horror games. They freak me the @#$% OUT no matter what it is: jump scares, psychological horror, or just being plain scary and bone chilling in atmosphere that it makes me shiver. So I don't play many horror games. However, if I had to say which horror was a better horror it would probably be psychological horror. It's just so much more disturbing and horrifying than simple jump scares; jump scares like those in Slender are scary but they're really just short lived. Psychological horror like that of Day Z is much better and more disturbing because it just gives you a good old fashion mindfvck andeven when you turn the game off and leave to go play another game or get out it always leaves something for you to think over and get scared about. It's much more gratifying in getting scared than a simple and cheap jump scare like that found in most horror games these days. Regardless, I hate them all but there is something specially crazy and horrifying about psychological horror that just makes it stand out from the rest and make me almost appreciate it more; it just has more thought and longer lasting impressions on a person.
How about you System Wars? What's your favorite kind of horror?
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