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GCN it is also my favorite console of all time.
I also had a Dreamcast and PS2 (I would say PS2 2nd because I played it more then the Dreamcast but I did love the Dreamcast I only bought it at a terrible time the week after I bought it SEGA announced they were discontinuing it.)
I loved all the consoles last gen but I guess i spent the most time with my xbox, with titles like JSRF Halo 1 and 2, Mechassault etc. I just fel I got the most fun out of it.
Xbox most definetly it had the best onlie gaming and community, Forza, Halo 2, Battlefield 2, Counter-Strike, Doom 3,PES5and more.
PS3 this gen.
Nice combination! :D I think that's the best one you could of had last gen!PS2, DreamCast, GCN, Xbox
Gamecube. Smash Bros, RE4, Wind Waker, Fzero GX. i still play them to this date.
omg I love GX its probably one of my favorite racing games ever released, only F Zero I liked better imho was X.
Talk about most predicatble results in a poll :P There was good reason PS2 had over 70% market share last gen :)
What reason was that though? The PS2 had terribly weak and breakable hardware. The Gamecube was cheaper than the PS2 IIRC and it still won for some reason. Developers were just lazy and did not want to do cross platform development even if it could had made them much more money. Now pretty much all non first/second party developers are going cross platform because they need to just to break even. I hope every publisher/developer that went exclusive to the PS2 is looking back and now regrets not doing multiplatform developer back when consoles were much more equal in power making them easier and cheaper to develop for. Weakest hardware and terrible online there was simply no reason to develop exclusive to the PS2 unless you were a low budget indie developer.Talk about most predicatble results in a poll :P There was good reason PS2 had over 70% market share last gen :)
Xbox deffo..
All of my mates had PS2s and I mean ALL of my friends who had a console had bloody Playstation 2s so you can imagine I was a little bit sick of them...
I'm kinda glad they did though, because then I wouldn't have gone against the status quo and thus found Halo:CE...memories
Well, the weird thing is i would actually maybe say XBOX. I jsut wasnt into JRPGs and stuff liek that, and XBOX had the shooters and teh online. Plus, I got my multiplats on it.
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