[QUOTE="ChrnoTrigger"][QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="ChrnoTrigger"]You're already known as a 360 fanboy, why do you even bother?
It's already been said that Versus's combat will be similar to Kingdom Hearts. Not DoC which is a 3rd person shooter.
Also, Kitase was the director of DoC so if anything be worried about XIII, not Versus. :)
You fail even harder then I could have ever imagined
Within recent Japanese gaming magazine interviews, Tetsuya Nomura has stated that Versus XIII's gameplay will be a realistic derivation of Kingdom Hearts battle system with some elements of a third-person shooter - similar to Square Enix's Dirge of Cerberus.
Mr. Internet tough guy, Keyword: SOME.
DoC was a PURE 3rd person shooter. I personally like the idea of mixing KH with some shooting as KH was purely a button masher.
So what point did you make? You said it won't bare any similarities to Derge of Cerberus and I proved to you it did. Now hypocritically you like the idea of KH mixing some shooting into it. Man look how quickly you jump lol. I find it funny how I know more about this game then the devoted following that as you have proven will be aboard any decsision even when you previously discredited just minutes ago. Square Enix says jump and well you know the rest.
I think you should ask yourself the same question. You claimed it to be a 3rd person shooter, you were wrong. You claimed it to be a spin-off, but SE never said that.
You could probably call me a hypocrite on this occaison, but that would be stupid because the flaws that made DoC bad are not existant in this game. This game is mixing ZoE with KH, if they're mixing ZoE I don't see why shooter elements would be bad.
I think you should actually play games first and make a decent argument. All you're doing is dishing out articles and acting like you're badass or something. Having fun on the internet?
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