He knows he lost, he just can't bring himself to admit it, I mean really? "xbox equal to 980 ti" pfff, what a peasant.
Yeah it's really not equal to a 980 Ti. Not even close in fact. The 980 Ti is 3-5% slower than the 1070 at stock speeds which is in turn 30-40% faster than a 1060. I can concede the X1X has a faster GPU than the 1060 by 5-15% but nowhere near 30%. With a good overclock a 980 Ti can also gain a 20%+ bump in performance which will make it effectively 50% faster than a 1060 at stock speeds. The better ones can actually enter 1080 territory in terms of performance. The X1X is a tier below. Nowhere near it.
Sad thing is that 15% over the GTX 1060 will only be on paper, because in the real world we will never see that number, thanks to the CPU bottlenecking the hell out of if and there is nothing anyone can do about it (And then Xplode likes to talk about how great APUs are...)
Anyway 5% below a GTX 1080 is a VERY interesting performance level, my 980 ti is at stock at the moment (and see no reason to bother OCing since I'm slaughtering every game at 1080p as it is) but once I get a 4k TV or monitor (most likely a TV) then I'll be looking forward to some serious overclocking so i can push in the extra performance for higher resolution, even if its 10% below a GTX 1080 I would be VERY happy.
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