Forget what reviews say, this game kicks a$$. Its one of the better final fantasy games out there. Sure, its somewhat linear but you get over that after a while. The linearity actually fits well with the styling of the game. The game has actually been overhauled in a way like RE4 was changed over its predecessors. Excellent combat, excellent story, unforgettable music, excellent eye candy,and great length (im about 30 hrs in). Besides, not all FF games have to be the same, right? PS this has the best visuals on consoles besides Uncharted 2 and GOW3, but this even beats those games out in some areas.
It seems this gen, NA gamers are just obsessed with WRPGs, which I don't understand. Mass Effect was great but nothing special, just a TPS withRPG elements.Why do WRPGs get a free pass while JRPGs get bashed.
yeah i hated this game was so confused at beginning. It's like they drop you in a middle of battle without introduction of background. For me, SP is all about presenation and story. Since I was confused of the story, it was quite painful to continue itand I was pissed out cuz i spent $65 for it.After couple days, I find out they have describtion of story in datalog....and I spent 1 hour to read them all. It's getting a lot better now, and I feel more belonging to it. Now, I really enjoy this game, and it's worth for full price. I think FF13 is a decent game, however it requires to understanding the background first, otherwise it's quite boring. After all, RPG is all about story and presentation. I think a lot of ppl dont like it cuz it is quite confused at beginning. They put you in a fantastic world without explaining everything. Then people donest feel beloning when story proceed, and they wouldnt have fun in it.
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