might aswell not include anything if its day one only. Give america titanfall free and you would beat the ps4 hands down.
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it's sold out in uk in most retail stores , try again might aswell not include anything if its day one only. Give america titanfall free and you would beat the ps4 hands down.
it's a pre order bonus.
if you don't pre order you don't get it.
just like the million other things this gen that are pre order bonuses that you don't get unless you pre order.
You also don't get it if you pre-order in a tier 2 country or if you pre-order after Day One's are out of's a pre order bonus.
if you don't pre order you don't get it.
just like the million other things this gen that are pre order bonuses that you don't get unless you pre order.
meanwhile ... ps4 have lot's of free games ..... that is not generic bad football gamehippiesantano they are just generic pay to win games.
it's sold out in uk in most retail stores , try againnice try, but it dident. If we look top 10 pre order on PS4 and Xbox One, then Fifa isnt even top 10 in Xbox One. Nice try![QUOTE="dkdrumin"] might aswell not include anything if its day one only. Give america titanfall free and you would beat the ps4 hands down.
FIFA is awesome - of any sports game, I'm most inclined to play that year in & year out
Doubt it'll make much of a difference in Europe when PS4 has the 2 controller, camera, and Killzone:SF combo for the same price. But hey, I'm normally wrong about these things....
it's sold out in uk in most retail stores , try again Europeans are pre-ordering it like crazy. Frantic futbol fans. lol!![QUOTE="dkdrumin"] might aswell not include anything if its day one only. Give america titanfall free and you would beat the ps4 hands down.
Xbox doesn't exist in europe,UK aside.
Also PES is a lot better than FIFA,because of master league.
FIFA's only redeeming quality is that it has licences for many leagues.
meanwhile ... ps4 have lot's of free games ..... that is not generic bad football gamehippiesantaAre you referring to crap games like Warframe, DCUO, Planetside 2 and others that are already out on PC and have been played already?
[QUOTE="hippiesanta"]meanwhile ... ps4 have lot's of free games ..... that is not generic bad football gameShoTTyMcNaDeSAre you referring to crap games like Warframe, DCUO, Planetside 2 and others that are already out on PC and have been played already? That you can't play on your X1? might aswell not include anything if its day one only. Give america titanfall free and you would beat the ps4 hands down.
Cows. the only group of people to b!tch about a free game. :roll:
Get out of Europe? Lol, you do realize that competition is a good thing, right? If Xbox One fails, I mean fails utterly, it's gonna be a bad thing for all gamers. Yes, even for cows.
Titanfall is over rated, if you want a good game, X1 should give you GTA5, that would actually make me buy the X1. Fifa was a huge turn off for me when i hear about it. So far, i'm still with PS4MickeyminimeOf course, GTA5 isn't for next gen, but if it was, X1 should do that, even if you have to wait, it prob be worth it for the Xbox fans
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