i know that pes has long been the best soccer sim avaliable but the reviews for this year's editions tend to favor fifa as being the better game. has fifa finally overcome pes and taken the crown of best soccer sim?
i know that pes has long been the best soccer sim avaliable but the reviews for this year's editions tend to favor fifa as being the better game. has fifa finally overcome pes and taken the crown of best soccer sim? Canine_Knight
havent played both yet, but from what ive heard fifa 2008 is the better game this time, and PES 2008 can get much better with mods
I don't know man. It's seems to be a hard decision this year, so I am personally skipping on it all together and playing PES on my PSP. That one rocks for real.
Oh God, my roommates bought Fifa 08 to hold them over until PES was released here, and I hate it. Are you telling me that they're gonna blindly buy PES when it comes out and it'll be worse? :cry:
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