The Final Fantasy 15 event just ended, and:
- This game looks absolutely amazing. 10 years in the making wellspent
- The music is great (the main theme is Stand By Me)
- The game's English dub includes Lena Headley and Sean Bean (Cersei and Ned from Game of Thrones), as well as Aaron Paul (from Breaking Bad) EDIT Only for the tie in CG movie!
- The game is getting a tie in anime that serves as a prequel. First episode available now.
- The game is getting a full blown CG movie
- The game is getting a free demo, available now
- The game is getting two Special Editions
- The game is out on September 30 on PS4 and Xbox One
- Still no PC version
- Airships confirmed!
This will probably be GotY 2016, folks. Unless Atlus do the impossible and actually get Persona 5 out this year.
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