Zelda WW took 6 months to port while FFX which is a port also has been in development since before the Vita was announced if I remember correctly or at the least since the release of the vita. Square should drop FFX like a bad penny and instead put money into a new IP or at the least into a game which holds well in the Gameplay department which FFX lacked back all those years ago let alone to the standards of todays average / awesome RPGs like Twewy, Monster hunter, demon souls, pokemon, fire emblem, xenoblade, Knights jn the nightmare.
Nintendo gets abuse, capcom gets abuse but SE gets a free pass when it comes to ports, why is this? Ports a port in the end and I dont think the Vita is that desperate for average Games to be ported onto it let alone a game which is like 2 gens old and was never that good all that to begin with.
I know people who have little to no taste and a Vita will be loving the idea of a port while people whom are on the fence will look upon it and say "pass" for several reasons of port, meh game is a meh game in HD, played on a PS2.
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