So I just read this article stating that Square Enix is bringing the Final Fantasy XIII game engine to the Wii, renaming it "Crystal Tools" (from "White Engine"). Now, it could just be that they're porting the engine for the hell of it, but it sure makes a heck of a lot of more sense that the reason they would do this is that they want to release FFXIII on the Wii. And why not? It's the best selling console since the PS2.
Poor Sony. First they lose Devil May Cry. Now they lose Final Fantasy. All that's left is Metal Gear, which will probably jump ship after Square Enix confirms the multiplat status of Final Fantasy XIII. It really makes you wonder what they're doing at SCEA HQ.
On an unrelated note: doesn't anyone else think that Blu-Ray's victory was actually a BAD thing for the PS3? If Blu-Ray had lost, then Sony would be forced to stop pushing the PS3 as a Blu-Ray DVD player, and start working on it as a games console. Now, they don't even care if the games on it suck, because they can just sit back and say, "Well, at least it plays Blu-Ray, and since Blu-Ray is the only way right now, we're still good."
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