I have a PS1, a PS2, a sony ericsson phone, a sony TV and a sony laptop. I LOVE all these sony products and I don't have the same problem with corporate sony all these xbox fans seem to, so if anything I'd say I was a sony fanboy. But I'm sorry the PS3 is a colossal waste of money.
I'm crazy about PC gaming, I like some of the games on my 360 and I'll even admit I had fun with a wii the other day. But this PS3 is just dust collecting junk. I'm totally done already with FF, MGS, Tekken and GT. I've played these games for 8 years for gods sake, i'm so bored with these formulaic knock offs, its predictable tosh. Done!
And saveme this pathetic whining on about blu-ray. I'm already watching HD movies on my HD tv, routed wirelessly from my PC which I get via DD (also 360 now offers a limited trial selection). You blu-ray guys are way behind the times. Physical media is dead, where have you been for the last year?! So why pay more for a console that competes directly with the 360 only does less? The only reasons I can think of are A) you like shiny versions of old, old games or B) you just HAVE to buy sony.
I'm sorry but I seriously doubt there are another 10 million people who are prepared to get caught in the sony trap.
As far as I'm concerned, this war never even began.
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