Go ahead say bu bu bu both are not out yet. There is no WAY you can say KZ2 will be better gameplay or fun factor. I mean the video's of KZ 2 gameplay are laughable they look so boring just the standard run of the mill gameplay. Yet Gears 2 looks freaking PHENOMENAL. Human shielding chain sawing enemies chain saw dueling curb stomping over the shoulder gun head bash. I mean come on:|
Gears 2 >>>>>>>>>>> Flop Zone 2 so bad gameplay wise and fun factor wise. And not to mention Gears 2 graphics are just more pleasing to the eye. Much better eye candy artistic wise.
It's going to be a chain sawing massacre on KZ 2. No wonder Sony pushed it back out of the 360 holiday smash hits window. They would of been slaughtered.
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