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FE does have noticeably bad graphics, considering it's quite literally a gamecube game tacked onto the Wii, and FE gamecube looked like crap for a gamecube game.
Doesn't mean the game isn't excellent, but reviews have to take everything into consideration. I love FE, but a game originally intended for the cube needs to be reworked entirely for the Wii, if it is going to come out on the Wii.
I wanted both, both got pretty disappointing reviews, and now I can't wait to get my hands on Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
The gripes Lark Anderson had are only making me want the game more. Too difficult? Please...
Although lack of something ridiculously needed like mouse/pointer/point & click functions sorta deter me and others from it. But near the end, he seemed like he expected way too much. Online play? Mii use? What the hell?
Fire Emblem is a Slideshow with anime chacters talking politely to one another broken up by tactics segments which, in path of radiance could be solo'd by your first Paladin or Ike until the last Battle. In other words boringly easy and devoid of said tactics.
Blue Dragon is a DQ clone which is so unoriginal it parodies itself stetching for 80 hours of running, bag checking and turn based grinding.
they are nothing alike.
As far as I can tell, GS was the only review to say that FE had a "bad story." It was also just a bunch of "wahwahwah too hard" and "wah no motion" and "wah no mii support."Copy_Snake
and it was "too hardcore"
[QUOTE="nyoroism"]I love Blue Dragon, despite its suckfest story and my usual hate for RPGs.
Also Fire Emblem is a Turn Based Strategy game, not an RPG.
Actually play one and say that again.
I own both for the GBA and the one for the 'Cube.RPG elements, but not a full-blown RPG. More of Turn Based Strategy.
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