"CVG has managed to get its grubby hands on the final list of features for the hotly anticipated Firmware 2.4 update, which was yesterday rumoured to be due early next week. But that's not the case we've been told...
Update: Since our original story went live, we've received further information regarding the inclusion of trophies in the 2.4 update. As expected full 2D trophy support will be in the XMB update and there will be four types: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Platinum is only awarded when you have collected all other trophies in a game. Also there are no gamer points, it's all done via a levelling up system. Think Call of Duty 4 levelling up system, we reckon. Update Out
Speaking under strict conditions of anonymity, a source has told CVG that Firmware 2.4 is expected to launch in around three weeks' time. A quick look at the diary reveals that E3 is just under three weeks away. It doesn't take a genius to see that Sony's pre-E3 conference would be the perfect time to launch the Sony XMB assault.
Announcing something and making it available at the same time is the way forward, as Microsoft proved by revealing Doom isn't just coming to Xbox Live Arcade, it's on Xbox Live Arcade a few E3s ago. Apple is known for this approach too.
We've also scooped the following list of XMB features that you'll be able to access in-game. Here goes:
* Friend category
* View, send, receive messages
* Manage downloads
* Set the vibration feature of the controller
* Sign in to PlayStation Network
* Register friends
* Manage Bluetooth devices
* Terminate the game
* Music category
* Use the system BGM
* Work the system BGM operation panel
* Settings category
* Assign controllers
* View profiles
* Game category
* Set audio devices
* Use the voice changer
As previously reported the update will also allow you to play back your own tunes in-game from the XMB Music column. It's unclear whether this feature will be compatible with all games or just new titles created with more recent development tools.
The system BGM will offer functions such as Play, Stop, Previous track, Next track, Change repeat mode, Change shuffle mode, Change volume (five levels). When you stop the playback of your tunes, playback of the game music will then begin.
Sony has yet to confirm or deny any of this and won't comment on rumour and speculation. If you ask us though, this is bang on the money. Not long to wait and see..."
Still no mention of things like Private chat, Cross-game invites, IM system, Changing your online status, Editing your profile, Viewing your Rep (Oh wait, PSN doesnt have rep), Setting you're game defaults etc.
Bu bu, i thought in-game XMB would have everything the in-game Guide has on XBL, and would bring PSN up to XBL standards, force M$ to drop the $50-a-year charge and ultimately cause the world to implode.
A fantastic update nonetheless, really looking forward to it and it will bring PSN functionality a lot closer to that of XBL. But can we please stop the boring old "Which is better, PSN or XBL?" and "2.40 FW confirmed, PSN bettar than XBL!" because its old, boring and false. Yes, PSN may be better value for some, it may be the better choice for some, but understand that when comparing both services for what they are, XBL IS BETTER!
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