Ummm Resident Evil HD on 20th from steam. Thinking to get FF X/X-2 remaster HD (PS 3) also.
wbu guys :)
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Seeing as I've got about 10 ps4 games to catch up on that i want to play from 14 i should be good until Arkham Knight comes out.
But the only games that i'll be day oneing this year are Arkham and MGS 5. Witcher will likely have quite a few bugs. I can wait for price drops for pretty much everything else.
Probably some cards from Hearthstone, after that i dont know, maybe Guilty Gear Xrd or Donkey Kong Country TF.
First game I'm really looking forward to playing would be Bloodborne.
But the first games I'll be picking up are Shovel Knight and Mark of the Ninja. Like right now.
@ConanTheStoner: Shovel Knight is fucking awesome, you would make a damn fine purchase.
I'm on it cap'n! :D
Gonna smoke myself a bit more stupid and then get to it.
The title screen alone took my heart.
@indzman: Yup thats the one. It comes with all dlc costumes/ DLC story & the new $20 content that comes with it. Reason why i want the whole package deal is cuz i want to see how good of an upgrade they did with SR4 with resolution/ Frames and all that fancy stuff and hope its well made. Also because i like the avatar i made for the game and want to she how she looks on X1/ ps4. Hopefully its a good upgrade from the ps3/ 360 versions.
Sweet :)
just picked up D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die with Games with Gold after midnight rolled around
first 2015 release I might get could be Resident Evil HD or Dying Light
Put off buying Smash I can't ever seem to find a GC Adaptor.
Strongly considering Wolfenstein: The New Order which is currently discounted on Steam. If I resist the urge, I am sure to pick up Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker this weekend.
GTA V master race edition
Oh and thanks for beta testing the game for us consolites.
@indzman: Won't be buying anything until Feb or March, but I will be getting Infamous: First Light and Prototype 2 this month for FREE with PS+. Don't care about Dying Light right now and will wait for reviews for The Order 1886 before I decide to get it or not. Only must have game early this year will be Bloodborne. Until that time, I still have games like Sunset Overdrive, Horizon 2, Shadow of Mordor, Lord of the Fallen, DA: Inquisition, Diablo 3 and a bunch of other games to finish.
@indzman: Won't be buying anything until Feb or March, but I will be getting Infamous: First Light and Prototype 2 this month for FREE with PS+. Don't care about Dying Light right now and will wait for reviews for The Order 1886 before I decide to get it or not. Only must have game early this year will be Bloodborne. Until that time, I still have games like Sunset Overdrive, Horizon 2, Shadow of Mordor, Lord of the Fallen, DA: Inquisition, Diablo 3 and a bunch of other games to finish.
Have fun.
I have tons of backlog like yours also Alien Isolation, Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age Inquisition, Valkyria Chronicles, Ryse : Son of Rome, Lara Croft : Temple of Osiris, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 HD collection, Ratchet and Clank Trilogy HD, Jak and Daxter HD Trilogy. Will take six months to finish em all Heh
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