3/5 Flop. This sucks!
Halo 3: ODST is a disappointment. The story starts off great, but can't maintain its consistency and by the end is just a let down. This started off as DLC, and it's obvious that it should have remained as such. The new co-op mode is nice, and at times the single player campaign can be thoroughly entertaining. However, the 60-dollar price tag and short story mode really bring this game down.
When Bungie announced this would be released on a disc for full price, we all expected a much longer and much more complete game. Halo 3: ODST feels like a cheap money grab and there's very little reason to buy it. It's obvious now why the Halo: Reach beta was included. This game isn't worth a purchase. If you are interested in the story, give it a rental, it won't take you more than a day to complete it.
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