alright well just wanted to get some opinions of which platform you like playing Black Ops on better.
well my friend came over two days ago and i was able to try out black ops on the ps3. it's actually my first fps experience on the ps3 (i've done it b4 on ps2 and all) and it fell short from my expectations. i use to lik the ps3 controller because it looked smaller, less uncluttered, and lightweight.
about black ops, i liked it better on the xbox 360 cuz of the controller. don't get me wrong the ps3 controller is nice but the default control scheme is wierd (especially for close range). also when im using the analog stickit feels like my thumbs are going to slip off (round shape analog stick).also using default alternative on ps3 still feels weird,the trigger goes down all the way.
on the 360 the sticks have a curved shape which goes with your thumbs and the trigger has that too, also it feels more comfortable to use in my opinion.
either way the game itself is great but i prefer playing it on the xbox 360 :)
what about u guys????????
oh and please dont say PC!!!!! (yes, i agree pc beats controllers for fps games but this is strictly ps3 vs xbox 360)
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