Shoot em up: There was a fantastic game on Atari 2600 but I forgot its name. You pick up fuel along the way while shooting enemies. It also had 2 player Co-op.
Racing: Some game from Atari 2600 but I barely remember it unlike the one I mentioned earlier, which I remember pretty well, except its name. But the most recent one that I can remember is Need for Speed 2. I played the original after NFS 2.
Fighting: Street Fighter 2 (Arcades). Used to spend entire day playing this game. It was my childhood darling. Later we bought our own Arcades, so I played there for free.
Beat em up: Freedom Force (PC). I remember enjoying Freedom Force games a lot. I liked female characters a lot.
Strategy: Command and Conquer (PC). Blew me away. The amount of detail in Command and Conquer games was amazing for their time despite showing a lot of action on screen at once. I really sucked at Strategy games back then but I still enjoyed them.
Stealth Action: Metal Gear Solid (PC). I didn't play it until its PC port came out. But I still loved it. It's my favorite Metal Gear game till this day.
RPG: Diablo 2 (PC). Me and my brother spent so much time playing this beast. Loot drops blew us away. Every weapon had different properties and some had special abilities. It was really an amazing experience back then because there weren't shit ton of Diablo clones back then.
Space Sim: Wing Commander 4 (PC). Heard a lot about this game even from non gamers. People used to talk about it, so I finally played it when I got a PC. Loved it.
First Person Shooter: Chasm (PC). It was very old school fast paced shooter with dungeons, puzzles and secrets. It was so addictive but very hard.
Run and Gun: Contra (NES). I don't know why people think it's one of the hardest games ever. For some reason I finished this game multiple times without breaking a sweat. May be because it was my type of game?
Side Scroller: Sonic- The Hedgehog (Sega Genesis). Really liked fast paced nature of the game. Enjoyed it a lot.
Platformer: Mario (NES). It's up there with Street Fighter 2 in terms of my gaming addiction. Me and my friends used to invite each other to play Mario. Fun times.
Survival Horror: Resident Evil 2 (PC). It really blew me away with its stunning art direction. Back then it looked so real and movie like due to its characters and beautiful 2D backgrounds. Game was solid too.
On rail shooter: Virtual Cop 2 (PC). We used to compete against each other by playing this game as fast as possible. Was fun stuff back then.
Third Person Shooter: Max Payne (PC). It's up there with Street Fighter and Mario as well. I can't count how many hours I've spent playing this game on my and friend's PC back then. The game was mind blowing due to its graphics and jaw dropping action. Loved Max Payne's character.
Point and Click Adventure: Broken Sword 2 (PC). Its art direction also blew me away and animations were so well detailed. Just like Strategy games, I also sucked at Adventure games back then but it was equally satisfying to see the story unfold in front of me. I played original Broken Sword after playing this one, and I consider that original game to be the greatest Adventure game ever made.
Action Adventure: Tomb Raider 2 (PC). One of my favorite franchises ever. It all started with the second game in the series. Lara Croft is still one of my favorite characters and I'm always looking forward to her next adventure.
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