I have no Christmas game or gaming memory. >.> Everyone in my family knows I play video games a lot, but they don't know what games I have or what I'm interested in so they usually give me money instead. I don't do any gaming on Christmas either because of family celebrations.
I do have horrible memories of Boxing Day in Canada though. I waited for an hour to get into my local EB. Somewhere down the line, someone asked an EB employee if the US had Boxing Day as well. He said that he didn't remember anything like Boxing Day when he was in the States. I decided to bud my way into the conversation and say that, to my knowledge, the US had Black Friday.
Eerie silence.
I looked around me and found a lot of people staring at me, mostly African-Canadians. That same day was also the first day I was asked to provide ID. Needless to say, I walked out without a game in my hands.
In before "I don't celebrate Christmas. :|" posts. :P
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