Fanboys can discuss console sales till they're blue in the face.You can sell a bazillion consoles, but guess what? Devs don't make a cent unless they are selling games. Devs go where there is money to be made, plain and simple.
XBOX 360: 31
Wii: 14
Courtesty VGCHARTZ
Its interesting to note that 360 & PS3 games command a $10 premium over Wii games. Despite Wii selling about the same number of consoles, they have LESS THANHALF as many million sellers.
Oh and before some of you pull the "teh 360 had a head start".. Too bad. This is the 360's 3rd Xmas and PS3/Wii's 2nd. That's no excuse to be selling less than half, or in the PS3's case,16% of the 360's million sellers at this point in time.
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