Just wondering how many view the consoles like I do. I have a PS3 and 360 but 85% of my games are played on the PS3 and the 360 is only used for the few exclusives I am interested in and as a DVD player. My reasons are
-Multiplats are pretty much equal on both consoles, and if you care about the insignificantdifference in multiplats that much you may as well get the PS3 exclusives which are only trumped by a few PC games.
-PS3 has free online - Live is a better service with a more robust community and there is far less hacking on the service.
-PS3 controller is much better, especially for fighting games - 360 controller is more ergonomically correct and is much beter for shooters
-PS3 is far more reliable than 360 - early on maybe, but that no longer holds true
-Bluetooth mics - which most people don't have or use
-Trophies are much more fun than Achievements - Both are useless timesinks
How about you guys?
-More robust community? can you prove that? So what if COD have 2-3 mil more players. Its not like you can take advantage of that and play with 6+ million people at once. As long as you're able to find games.
-More ergonomically correct? Not true at all. Most people actually prefer the DS3. So is shooters the only genre available now? What abou the other genres?
-No one use Bluetooth? Again, can you prove that. Seems you're making up stuff here
Game after game after game proves that hte 360 community is more robust. From R6V to COD, to Halo and Gears. Games, even those 4-5 years old still have very strong communities. You cannot say the same for PS3. Preference doesn't dictate ergonomics. The placement of the analog sticks on the DS3 has yo uuplacing your thumbs in an unatural position, while the 360 controller has you place your thumbs in a much more natural (comfortable imo) position. From U2, to COD, to KZ2 and on, there is always a majority of the room without mics (unless I am playing with friends) than with mics. The opposite is true on the 360.
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