Which one do you like more?
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They are both about the same for me to be honest.
PS3 = more reliable, uncharted2, MGS4, Killzone2, Ratchet and clank, heavy rain, Grand Turismo series, God Of War series and blu rays
360 = better online, Forza3 (love this game with a wheel), great controller, Gears2, Halo ODST, Left4Dead series, Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect series.
PC is still my favorite, but I do enjoy both my ps3 and 360!
They are both about the same for me to be honest.
PS3 = more reliable, uncharted2, MGS4, Killzone2, Ratchet and clank, heavy rain, Grand Turismo series, God Of War series and blu rays
360 = better online, Forza3 (love this game with a wheel), great controller, Gears2, Halo ODST, Left4Dead series, Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect series.
PC is still my favorite, but I do enjoy both my ps3 and 360!
Ive had my 360 since launch and am thinking of switching to ps3. I can only afford one system. Most of my friends play xbox but only mw2 and I am terrible at it and its not fun.
i play more on my PS3. Not because i hate my 360. im on my 3rd 360 now and i mainly use my 360 for exclusives. PS3 for everything else.
360 by leaps and bounds. the ps3 is the most overrated piece of garbage this gen. they really let the industry down IMO. their arrogance and attitude towards gamers has put them in last place. the ps1 and ps2 were the 2 greatest consoles in history IMO and the ps3 is a constant reminder of how great they once were and how bad they have become. the 360 is what the ps3 should have been. a good gaming experience and great online,
My ps3 by far. I rarely touch my 360 except for certain exclusives like Mass Effect, or Banjo, or Viva Pinata.
ps3 by far. the only games i get for 360 are single player games that are technically better on 360 like fallout 3, and bayonetta. i refuse to pay for online. and i don't like halo or gears of war. but to be fair i bought my ps3, while i only have a 360 in the house because my brother bought it. but i would say i still prefer the ps3 for free online, controller preference, trophy collecting, better selection of exclusives.
now how much people here actually have both consoles and arent bashing one or the other, haha, anyways for me the ps3 has better exclusives like Metal gear 4, uncharted 2, demons souls, ratchet and clank, cant wait for god of war 3 and gran turismo. but i also like my 360 just hate how unreliable it is and hate that i have to pay for online plus an internet adapter and that it doesnt have blu ray. i like halo 3 though so i still keep it. ps3 is also much better for sports games cus the controller is more suitable for it, the ps3 i like more its like 70% - 30% in favor of ps3
360 for me since I don't have a PC so there are tons of games like ME and L4D which I can't play on the PS3. Plus I like the online better on the 360 as well. I only really play the PS3 when a goodexclusive comes out on it.
I feel bad for the ps3. It has not failed me once being a launch console. I have had four 360's but still I prefer it. I don't know why. Maybe because of forums like this that can sometimes influence us. Ps3 got a bad ride this gen. With the red rings problem Microsoft doesn't deserve to be ahead in sales but that's life.
Ps3 for me
Once you have a decent pc the 360 is nothing more than a halo/forza player
Ps3 doesn't relie on blockbuster multiplat titles like the 360. ps3 is not scared to invest their money in games like heavy rain, Ms will never do that unless the game is proven tosell millions.
360 has always been the entry level gaming system. Its a good console and you cant go wrong in owning one.
360 by a nose, as i usually get multiplats that have online play with that or my PC. Exclusives i get for their respective consoles of course, and for other multiplats, i pick the console that i haven't been playing recently.
MS has done that plenty of times in the past (Viva Pinata, Conker and Brute Force) they just haven't done as late.Ps3 for me
Once you have a decent pc the 360 is nothing more than a halo/forza player
Ps3 doesn't relie on blockbuster multiplat titles like the 360. ps3 is not scared to invest their money in games like heavy rain, Ms will never do that unless the game is proven tosell millions.
360 has always been the entry level gaming system. Its a good console and you cant go wrong in owning one.
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