watch this .
I'm not sure if this is old but if you haven't seen it before i think this sums up the current situation.
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wow...and i thought i was negative.
i shall now aspire to be that negative about this industry...also. :P.
seriously though he does have a point (i only watched the first bit). this industries vision is getting narrower and narrower and god help any company that tries to step outside that vision....they will recieve a thourough pasting.
clover studios (among many many others)....u are missed.
i could make a further rant about 3rd parties and the wii thats relateds to this but ill leave it at that. i ranted about it before and its a bit long :P.
Well i think the main complaint is the IP thing, but the video was pretty good._Tobli_
But that's, for the most part, a flawed arguement. People mention a new ip without considering how unoriginal and uninspired alot of new ips have been. There is more originality/"fresh"ness in mario galaxy, an ancient ip by VG standards, then in Heavenly Sword, a new ip.
Old IPs can give us some of the most creative and interesting games. How awesome and different was windwaker? Donkey Kong Country? MegaManX? World of Warcraft?
Ya, new ips that are original/fresh are good.. but people forget that old ips can have just as much charm.
Anyways, i just finished the first rant. I'd like to say it is refreshing to hear from someone who doesn't hate the wii and nintendo with a passion.. and i found it funny(though not necissarily true in all cases). I found the Final Fight part particularly funny..seriously, how ridiculous was that game? The gawd-damned mayor of the city literally beats the crap out of crime? He also happens to be a shirtless, mustached, muscle bound freak? Awesome, just plain awesome. I love Hagar(he even has an awesome name!)
Nintendo back in the day was pure awesomeness. They actually cared about gamers and released quality games.
Nintendo at this present moment sucks hard: Went all casualized with this stupid Wiimote and their games are alot worse.
It is annoying how Nintendo will make crap in order to boost their profits instead of making a real gaming system.
He wants to be Yahtzee so bad. It's pathetic. He had SOME valid point but I think he should drop that pseudo-intellectual gimmick and try to lighten up.Lyphe2k
while it think he's ripping off yahtzee's style I think his commentary is not bad. he's more serious than yahtzee. and if your'e going to criticize him for being like yahtzee i think you have to give him a little slack when he takes a different route.
[QUOTE="Lyphe2k"]He wants to be Yahtzee so bad. It's pathetic. He had SOME valid point but I think he should drop that pseudo-intellectual gimmick and try to lighten up.Ontain
while it think he's ripping off yahtzee's style I think his commentary is not bad. he's more serious than yahtzee. and if your'e going to criticize him for being like yahtzee i think you have to give him a little slack when he takes a different route.
Ok fine I can cut him some slack. It can't be easy doing a video review using just pictures without coming across as some sort of a "Yahtzee copycat".
But regardless, the guy came across as trying too hard to be edgy and because of so, I think his point got lost in the process and made him come across as more of a bitter gamer than a unbiased reviewer.
[QUOTE="Lyphe2k"]He wants to be Yahtzee so bad. It's pathetic. He had SOME valid point but I think he should drop that pseudo-intellectual gimmick and try to lighten up.Ontain
while it think he's ripping off yahtzee's style I think his commentary is not bad. he's more serious than yahtzee. and if your'e going to criticize him for being like yahtzee i think you have to give him a little slack when he takes a different route.
I don't want to be rude, but seriously, Yahtzee + Wii fanboy = this dude, all he's missing is the funny part.
Let this be a lesson to all fratboys and jocks don't pick on people because nerds grow up with the ability to edit videos.
Seriously this guy mos def has some unresolved issues, he brought up jocks like 20 times per episode.
Anyway yes, as much as I am completely uninterested in playing the same 5 franchise mascots for the last 30 years the Wii is a good thing since it brings in new gamers that will eventually get sick of the Nintendo franchises and want to shoot stuff in black, white and grey backgrounds.
[QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Lyphe2k"]He wants to be Yahtzee so bad. It's pathetic. He had SOME valid point but I think he should drop that pseudo-intellectual gimmick and try to lighten up.lantus
while it think he's ripping off yahtzee's style I think his commentary is not bad. he's more serious than yahtzee. and if your'e going to criticize him for being like yahtzee i think you have to give him a little slack when he takes a different route.
I don't want to be rude, but seriously, Yahtzee + Wii fanboy = this dude, all he's missing is the funny part.
Unless Yahtzee started before i remember he did(a year ago at most?), i can safely say this kind of "game commentary" has been popular for quite some time.
I don't really get the connection to yahtzee(anymore then anyone else out there). He doesn't speak overly fast, use a specific art style, and he doesn't review anything. Using images throughout your rant has been around before yahtzee, such as with the angry video game nerd(among many other things). Besides, this sort of stuff isn't exclusive to games.. and, keep in mind that this is free game commentary from a gamer, that's all.
ALso, why is he a nintendo fanboy? I get the impression that he is very for what nintendo has done, and enjoys their games, but he didn't say the other systems sucked. He makes some really good points in all 4 of his videos, even if he's not entirley right on everything.
He wants to be Yahtzee so bad. It's pathetic. He had SOME valid point but I think he should drop that pseudo-intellectual gimmick and try to lighten up.Lyphe2k
[QUOTE="Lyphe2k"]He wants to be Yahtzee so bad. It's pathetic. He had SOME valid point but I think he should drop that pseudo-intellectual gimmick and try to lighten up.lantus
Glad I'm not the only one not swept of my feet for this freaking knock-off.
What makes you think Yahtzee was all that original. Croshaw has already stated that one of his favourite reviewers was this guy
Does the style sound familiar???
So this guy is a Yahtzee knock off because he keeps up a negative attitude/pissed off attitude though every so often he gives priase where praise is due all the while flashing random screen shots on the screen that was something to do with what he's talking about? Personally I think both of them are talking about two totally different things and though the style may be slightly the same, they go about it completely different. Yahtzee calls it as is and tends to make fun of games rather than praising them, bringing to light the things gamers will overlook because something else is there. Sure multiplayer on Halo 3 is awesome (to the extent console multiplayer can be) but that still doesn't change the fact that the single player mode is crap and just a tossed in to complete the horrid story started in the first game. That is Yahtzee's style, taking a game that people already know and love, and tearing it apart because there ARE flaws in the game.
The new guy however defends gaming as a whole and the changes its going through (to some extent) however it does call out some of the obvious stupid things that going on. He shows us that games can be great whether we are experiencing them in Hi-Def on a 52 inch Sharp Aquos in our livingroom with the most powerful console ever made while playing the most realistic football game where you can nearly count every blade of grass on the field, or flying through space with a plumber using a new control scheme and updated graphics from the last generation. Its still fun, its still gaming, they both are the same thing. He makes alot of valid points and brings up alot of good things, just because you aren't blasting aliens (or your friends) apart doesn't mean the game isn't a game and that those who play it shouldn't be having fun. And just because you own a PS3 or Xbox 360 doesn't mean you too can't have fun while playing the Wii.
Now before this spings into my being a Nintendo fanboy, just know I am, and I laugh everytime I see the latest sales and how far ahead the Wii and DS are of their competion. However I also highly enjoy my 360 and PC gaming as well, and don't condem anything type of gaming at all. Sure there are games out there I don't really care for that alot of you probably eat up, I know I myself am not overlooking forward to Metal Gear Solid 4, but I do find myself looking at Metal Gear Online. Also I'm looking forward to picking up my copy of GTA IV here in a few more days, I play Halo 3 regularly, have enjoyed Half Life long before it was the well known game it is today, and yes I play the living **** out of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and voted for Super Mario Galaxy as game of the Year for 2007. Just because I root for Nintendo all the way doesn't mean I can't enjoy other forms of gaming as well, sure I may not own a PS3 but that's because it has nothing I can't get on the 360 and it doesn't overly interest me. Does it mean I hate Sony? To some degree yes, but that doesn't stop me having a PS2 and a huge library of games, or a PS1 either with an even larger library of games. It means I'm a gamer through and through, whether its a "casual kiddy" game of Mario or a "hardcore blood soaked" shooter of Grand Theft Auto, I'll enjoy games no matter what.
That's the direction gaming needs to go in, is not picking each other apart because they aren't Microsoft, or Sony, or Nintendo, but rather accept gamers of all types and know that in the end we are all doing the same thing.
He seriously needs to get laid.
However, he did brought out some valid points about VARIETY. Which is something COMPLETELY MISSING in today's games. Ironically, for me, I do love what most of the games are offering, albeit too cliched and the same 'ol same 'ol. But one thing he did got right was the lack of Originality, Campiness, and NEW IDEAS in game development these days.
Gaming is becoming like "Hollywood"......seems most devs are sticking with some kind of standard, whereas new ideas and IPs are tragically hindered by formulaic conformity.
Im not sure if hes being serious or not. But he seems to want to be just like the Zero Punctuation guy. It seems like hes never played a MGS or Halo or even UT. I get that he wants games to revert to 2D Sprites for his games but we converted to 3D.
He complained about people turning down the Wii in like the 1st 2 min then the rest was about how terrible games are now (with the exception of SSBB and no More Heros) Idk whats his problem other than wanting attention but just because a system was released around the same time as other systems doesnt mean its in the same category. Nintendo themselves state the Wii isnt competing with the Ps3 or 360, and its aparent. The Wii simply isnt a true gaming machine, its a toy (like he said in the video). The Ps3 and to an extent the 360 are more... well grown up. Im sorry but i dont want to waste time thinking about why this video is off put, but I will say that this guy just needs his Wii for VC then if he loved games back then so much. He doesnt need to complain about more realistic environments. I just hope he doesnt have a house that is painted bright yellow and blue grass in the middle of a mushroom kingdom with a monkey guard. Because thats what he seems to want in his games. Where as I want my games to immerse me with realism.
Another fanboy arguing sales. Somewhat entertaining video, but suffers from the same over-generalization and "my opinion is right, so you are an idiot" of which the internet already generates too much.
Um, and I still think the Wii is two Gamecubes taped together. And I own one + Brawl, MP3, etc.
Edit: Although perhaps I shouldn't have responded because I don't really care what Nintendo is doing. Unless they give me a game I can really sink my teeth into. That doesn't look terrible on the tv I own and like to watch.
Although I agree with many of the things this guy is saying, I fail to see how PS1 introducing casuals to gaming was bad and the Wii doing the very same thing now is good... by the way, is the Wii really that innovating? I mean, hello? Have you really never heard of Mario, Zelda, Seamus and all th others before? EVEN Nintendo realized that calling the console Revolution was going too far... siafni
they didn't call it revolution because after 5 years a newer console would replace it and be better therefore removing the revolution of the console
Nintendo back in the day was pure awesomeness. They actually cared about gamers and released quality games.
Nintendo at this present moment sucks hard: Went all casualized with this stupid Wiimote and their games are alot worse.
It is annoying how Nintendo will make crap in order to boost their profits instead of making a real gaming system.
*sigh* people forget so fast. they did exactly what you want them to do with the n64 and GC... you see how well that turned out?
Wow, I kinda stopped listen less than two minutes in because the guy was being a douche bag.
As for No More Heroes, hillariously over rated. Ridiculously reptitive, it's short and has little replay vlaue. It's a good game, but not the under rated tragedy people are making it out to be.
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