I’m sorry everyone. I tried to stop myself from making this thread. I really did. But there are so many “Isn’t Naughty Dog just the greatest developer ever” posts that I’m knee deep in whatever this stuff is gushing out of all your fanboy twats. Now as the title suggests, I have not played Uncharted 4, so I will admit that I may be completely off base here. But most of what is being said has been said about past ND games. Many times I have found myself geting caught up in the hype, only to be disappointed. Their games for the most part are quite decent, but nothing that has not been done better before.
I enjoyed the Crash Bandicoot games, so when people went on and on about the Jak and Daxter series and it’s witty dialogue, amazing gameplay and dark, mature themes in the later games, I thought it all sounded fantastic. Then I played them only to find out “witty dialogue” meant Daxter constantly telling Dad jokes and “mature themes” meant characters spoke in raspy voices like teenagers whose balls haven’t dropped but they’re trying really hard to make it sound like their balls have dropped. Still, the platforming was fairly good.
Next we get Uncharted and people tell me it’s like Tomb Raider only wittier, more polished, and with better shooting. And I will say this, Nathan Drake is wittier than Daxter. Also the game is more polished and does have better shooting than Tomb Raider. The problem is they messed up everything else. The platforming is way too simplistic, and the puzzles are so insultingly straightforward I feel like they wouldn’t pass for a Zelda tutorial level. Overall though, not bad, just not great.
And finally we have The Last of Us. “The story, oh god the story, you must experience the heart wrenching story”. I will admit it has a good story for a modern videogame. But I think that is more a testament to how low a bar that is more than anything else. If this was a Walking Dead story arc, people would call it clichéd, heavy handed, and the characters one-dimensional.
So anyway, I’m sure Uncharted 4 is a good game. Play it, love it, sleep next to it. But if you feel the need to post about how the graphics are so good it’s like looking out a window, the story is so good it made you Russell Crowe ugly cry, the gameplay is so smooth it’s like a hot knife through warm butter, Naughty Dog? more like Naughty Gods! please stop, take a deep breath, remove your hands from your keyboard, put them in your pants, and spank it out. You’ll feel satisfied, and I wont have to hear about it. We’ll both be so happy.
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