Xbox 360 has more PLAYSTATION type games than the PS3, it is the king of RPG's, it has DMC, Ace combat, Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, all that's left is MGS4. It's what the PS3 should have been. Yet Sony fans would rather buy a PS3 out of loyalty to Sony than buy the console with the games they want to play. Forget your loyalty to Sony, buy a 360, it's the real successor to PLAYSTATION 2. It's a next gen PLAYSTATION in disguise. It's the console Sony should have given you, not this Blu-ray player that's making you disappointed year in year out.
If Xbox and PS2 had a child, it would be the Xbox 360. A perfect blend of the two. PS3 is the result of a one night stand between Dreamcast and Atari Jaguar, it's destined to fail.
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