[QUOTE="FUBAR24"][QUOTE="CPM_basic"][QUOTE="FUBAR24"][QUOTE="CPM_basic"][QUOTE="SupraGT"][QUOTE="CPM_basic"][QUOTE="lawsonboy"] it is not a visually stunning game.
WTF?? Did you play the same game I did??Forza 2's graphics are insane. The damage is so friggen realistic when you smack into the back of a porsche with your sub on it's like you hit a real porsche. You must not be playing on an HDTV because Forza 2 looks better in many ways compared to pgr3. First of all the cars look more realistic than pgr3, the physics of the cars are much more realistic, the damage is much more realistic. I drive in first person view and when I'm behind the mercedes benz slr I can actually see the little dimples in the rear lights... You must not be playing on an HDTV because this game look great. But it's not only the graphics that make this game great, the way the car's react to you is realistic. They will actually race like real people would, not like GT where they are confined to a pre-determined race path. The engine sounds are by far the best I've ever heard in a racing game (the bmw sounds like a bmw and a dodge viper sounds liek a dodge viper). The track marks left on the track are very detailed and the foliage, environments, people just standing around the track... everything just looks great.
Wait and see this game will score at least 9.5.
the damage modeling is far from realistic
Name me a game with better damage modeling then. That's right there is none. Don't mention GTR2 I have it for pc it's not as good.
ok he never said it wasnt better than others he just said it was far from realistic which it is. I mean if you crash any car at 170 MPH there is no possible way a car can drive away from that.
now back to the demo it was made about 3 months ago it just got caught up in MS certification so the final game will look and feel much better...side note the audio sounds great
The damage doesn't effect the car in the demo, it's only cosmetic... So OBVIOUSLY it's far from realistic because the damage doesn't do anything in the demo.
yes but even with the damage set to sim you could still crash into a wall and still drive around.you could do that with the original forza. go ahead turn simulation damage on and then crash a car into a wall doing about 200 and you will still drive away .you wont be going very fast or strait but you will still be able to move.same thing in Forza 2 nomatter how hard you crash you will still be able to drive away
im not bashing the game i love forza as much as the next guy. im just saying its not as realistic as you might think
Did you even play the Forza 2 demo? You can't even put simulation damage ON in the demo!!!
"You can have the car damage be purely cosmetic, or set it to simulation mode and have every bit of damage affect how your car handles. In that case be careful, one bad crash and the race is over for you." Gamespy
FORZA 1 is not FORZA 2. Stop making these false claims about the game.
are you stupid...its not realistic damage.even in sim mode che said it himself it isnt fully realistic. the forza 1 and 2 damage modeling are similar in that fact. i mean what fun would it be if you crashed your car to many times and it just wouldnt drive any more.i mean sure they are correct in the fact that the race is over but what they mean is its over in competitiveness.your steering and engine get so screwed up that its slow and it turns to the left without moving the stick. but you cant total the car to the point where the race just ends and you get a DNF
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