Most that come in here to system wars just claim they think they don't look good blah blah blah.
Well lets clear this up Forza 2's graphics are FREAKING REAL GOOD!!!
It's like the developer just dropped a stick of butter into the game it runs like ICE SMOOTH at 60 frames.
And after over a week of playtime. I can say to any haters that I'm playing on a HD TV and with all the physics and such going on and after seeing all the tracks and cars. the GAME looks AMAZING
Examples look in you reverse view behind you after leaving a hard turn and watching all the dust kick up and seeing the cars still making the turn and maybe even crashing and seeing parts fly apart. It's SICK!!!
And all in all this game just looks very polished and like i said runs buttery smooth.
With all the upgrades and paint options and decal options and full model and physics damage and the auction house you just can not ask for more in a game and it's graphics.
Anyone that continues to hate on the graphics is so wrong and not even really playing the game.
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