Here is linkhe tease continues with this newest release of Forza 3 images, but this time they contain something we never expected -- SUVs. And here we thought only irresponsible teens raced BMW X5s and Land Rovers.
Back in the day you used to be able to roll around in a Dodge Ram 1500 in Gran Turismo 4, but this is taking four-wheelin' to a whole new level. Seriously, how well can a big lug like these luxo-utes handle and why on Earth would you have any interest in racing them in a video game?
Thankfully, this wasn't the only update that Turn 10 provided us today as we now know we'll have the opportunity to drive the Pontiac G8 GXP forever and pretend that GM never killed it. Phew!
I can not wait to see these fully customized with some crazy artwork and being flipped in races. AS much as I sick of the non-gameplay pics I thought these were pretty cool though.
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