just played the forza 3 demo and, after the entire world has been applauding the qualityof it,was left rather empty.
first things first; the graphics. yeah they're a vast improvement over forza 2 but they're nothing compared to gt5 prologue which came out more than a year ago.
although it's fairly common knowledge that most peoples assumption is that gran turismo will always have better graphics, one thing forza fans have always bragged about is the quality of the damage simulation in their game. well, having tried a race with simulation damage on i can confirm that it's all a bit of a let down.
would it be naive of me to expect simulation damage to properly simulate the damage in collisions? because when i go head first into a wall in top speed i expect to lose wheels, crush the front of my car and nto be able to drive away. in forza 3 however it seems their version of 'simulated' is to rough up the bodywork (nothing fell off), smash a couple of windows and leave the tracking out. what was most disappointing however was that the car was able to drive away intact from this head on collision.
with the inclusion of the rewind system to correct your mistakes it seemsa much less forgiving damage system would be able to be implementedwithout aggrivating the fans of knowing they can never damage their car but no, the damage system seems to me to be identical to the one in forza 2.
overall disappointing, but then aren't all games that are hyped to the rafters?
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