The wii continues to pump out average to abysmal first and third party games for their loyal:P consumers.
The 360 hasn't really announced anything interesting and all we know is they have an exclusive nothing to brag about, add on of a multiplat and a 5 hour expansion for Halo 3. Other than that Halo Wars flopped and the online still ain't free.
The ps3 on the other hand has 2 AAAE's and seems to have some promising titles coming out later on this year and early next (GOW3). Not only that but it shares all the same quality multiplats both already out and coming soon (Dead Rising 2, Lost Planet 2, Street Fighter 4, RE5, etc.).
All I have to say is FINISH HIM!!!
No, but the just wait and ps3 has no games excuses seem to be irrelevant now.
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