So what are the franchise in your opinion that has only one good game or you found a good one? or only one you have enjoyed. theere are many great franchise that atleast have one black sheep but theres few franchise that has only one good game and all others are crap. so lets talk about later ones
imo i go with
Crysis: Crysis 1 was groundbreaking game. Incredible game. take FPS genre forward. then sequels happen, consolized and ruined us all. to this day crytek still suffering
Medal of Honor: More than 13 Games in series?? and only one game that is actually good Allied assault. series ended by moh warfighter which even EA admit a failure.
FEAR: Just like Crysis 1, FEAR was also amazing ground breaking game and have best combat and AI in FPS ever. and just like crysis. its sequels consolized and monolith doesnot make worthy since then.
Assassins Creed: A yearly iteration that have bunch of mediocre, terrible, boring games where only one part shine and thats assassins creed 4 black flag. i was surprised how good that game was compare to crap others were and follow.
Call of duty: The original COD game is only Good game in series then its going downhill yet become more popular. never liked any other game in series.
Wolfenstein: While i respect wolf 3d for bieng first FPS however Doom was first true recognizable FPS game. and i was not familiar with wolf 3d. then I really liked Return to castle wolfenstein. one of the best FPS of all time. 2009 game was mediocre and new order imo absolutely suck. it make me ashamed of bieng FPS fan.
so what franchise do you think has only one game that you liked?
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