Halo 3 graphics to improve
31 May 2007 10:10am
Frank O'Connor shuts up the internet
You've heard the crying, you've put up with the moaning, you've cursed the complaining.
So praise the Lord that Bungie's Frank O'Connor has decided to speak up to confirm that Halo 3 will be sporting sexier graphics when fully released.
The graphical polish, or more importantly the lack of, has been the one sticking point with Halo fans playing the beta. Since the beta has been bestowed upon the general public, the general public has been racing to internet forums to shout at Bungie, moaning that Halo 3 is more like Halo 2 HD and the expected graphical jump simply isn't there. While there has been little complaint about Halo 3's gameplay, the visuals have been kicked from pillar to post.
Stepping into the over-sized shoes of Captain Obvious, Frank points out that the multiplayer graphics are tuned up for efficiency rather than beauty. "Multiplayer is by necessity a more sterile iteration of our graphical ****and will always be tuned for performance and elegance rather than jamming the screen full of pixels," he explains. "We think that the final aesthetic look of our game will be judged at launch in September and in part based on the more intense single player spaces. We're also focused on maintaining the Halo character and atmosphere in our visual design - we're competing with ourselves, and not simply trying to match the aesthetic of other games. We think that folks will be happy with Halo 3's graphical polish come September."
So there. The message is don't judge the graphics now, judge them in September. Another argument put to bed. Now, who wants to start the 'Spartan Laser is overpowered!' movement?
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