[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="king_bobo"] I'm sorry but I can't understand what you're trying to say. Are you saying if they went exclusive it would fail like (in your opinion) the PS3? If that's what you are saying, I'm afraid I don't agree in two ways - 1) Both consoles have a large user base, so it should sell well on either console (it may even help sell more of that console, and so that's why it would be possible that either Microsoft or Sony would choose to buy it). 2) PS3 isn't a success in the same way as the PS2 was, but it certainly isn't a failure - PSN is a thriving community, Blu-Ray beat HD-DVD, PS3 exclusives are incredible and it continues to sell a great deal. If that's not what you're saying, could someone please explain (if they can) what they are saying...king_bobo
1.It would sell BETTER on the 360 then on the ps3. Looks at Haze's sales then come back and say it would sell well on the ps3 :|
2. Ps3 is infact a failure, Lost exclusives, horrible software sales, horrible hardware sales (points out last months NPD numbers) and as you pointed out more people use it as a Blu ray player then a actual game machine :roll:
Im saying if FR stays afloat and goes multiplat then they have a chance of being the successful developer they were last gen with the timeplsitters series. But since they went exclusive with a failure like the ps3 it basically killed them because no one bought there game.
1) I didn't say it would sell better on the PS3, I said it would sell well on both. Yes, it probably would sell more on the Xbox 360, but using Haze as an example isn't especially logical. Haze wasn't a particularly good game (although it wasn't as bad as critics made out), so it wasn't ever destined to sell amazingly. That would be the equivalent of me saying that Too Human would have sold better on the PS3. 2) I respect your opinion, and lost exclusives are a shame (but there are still a great deal more coming in '09), software sales aren't horrible (otherwise there wouldn't be as many 'Platinum' games as there are), hardware sales are only doing 'poorly' in North America and the UK and I never pointed out that more people use it as a Blu-Ray player than as a game machine. Fact is, I have an Xbox 360 and a PS3 and so I wouldn't care which company bought it, just as long as I could play the game... wasted words on a fanboy i'm afraid... On topic, Even though being bought out by a large company would help them back into the industry, I don't think it would happen because of how bad haze was. Microsoft and Sony would only see their last title which arguably wasn't their best. Also I think if they were bought out, their movements would be restrained by either sony or microsoft.
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