But when a Pc gamer comes here and show off Crysis or Metro in its rig they says " Graphics are not everything"
Yet, u guys only talk how good bc3 looks, the Graphics, the explosion, and Bash COD for its bad Graphics then u get upset cus Gamespot gave Hitman more awards than BC3,
so all the Hype around BC3 is for its new engine and Graphics, what happened to all that
"Game Play matter the most" rly? u take credit out from HITMAN bcause BC3 has better Graphics?
Whats new in BC3 tahn we haven't see in tehri past games? can any one tell me besides their new Graphics?
The game is gonna play teh same, and b teh same Battlefield they dont bring anything new to teh table.
In teh other Hand, Hitman bring open world for Spy gaming with better controls and new ways to play the game,
I was at E3 and i got the chance to play both games, and let me tell you, BC3 looks better but in game play i had more fun with Hitman.
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