If you've been cruising video game news sites over the last couple days, you may have run across a certain rumor regarding hoopla surrounding the launch of the 360 fall update. According to an internet poster on a video game message board (usually incredibly accurate sources of information), on September 25th, Microsoft will "re-launch" the 360, announce a partnership with Sirius radio, release a dozen new demos and unveil 12 new games. According to the rumor, all of this will take place on G4, as Microsoft has rented our channel for a five-hour broadcast. One problem: It isn't true. At least the G4 part.
While we can't speak for the accuracy of any of the rest of this information, the part about G4 is totally bogus. Draw your own conclusions about the rest of the info, but if you've been waiting to TiVo the five hour Xbox announcement blowout on G4 on the 25th, it's not gonna happen.
We will, of course, continue to provide you with up-to-the minute info on any breaking announcements, unveilings and other video game world happenings, both on the air and on the web.
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